Anti-Racism Skills Building and Next Steps - Links & Resources

Compiled by Hannah Barber Doucet, June 2020


This is a compilation of resources cited in the June 22, 2020 session “Anti-Racism Skills Building and Next Steps.” Please keep in mind that this is in no way meant to be complete; It is a number of suggestions to start/continue on your journey.

Handling Microaggressions

Video explaining microaggressions: “How microaggressions are like mosquito bites”

INTERRUPT framework - INTERRUPT to address bias when witnessed

I- Inquire: Encourage elaboration, leverage curiosity. “I’m curious, what makes you think that?”

N- Non-threatening: Convey the message with respect. Separate the person from the action or behavior. “Some may consider that statement to be offensive.” Communicate preferences rather than demands. “It would be helpful to me if…”

T- Take responsibility: If you need to reconsider a statement/action, acknowledge and apologize, if necessary. Address microaggressions and revisit them if they were initially unaddressed. “Let’s go back…”

E- Empower: Ask questions that will make a difference. “What could you/we do differently?”

R- Reframe: “Have you ever thought about it like this?”

R- Redirect: Helpful when and individual is put on the spot to speak for their identity group. “Let’s shift the conversation…”

U- Use impact questions: “What would happen if you considered the impact on…”

P- Paraphrase: Making what is invisible (unconscious bias), visible. “It sounds like you think…”

T- Teach by using “I” phrases: Speak from your own experience. “I felt x when y happened, and it impacted me because…”

Reference: DallaPiazza M, et al. Exploring Racism and Health: An Intensive Interactive Session for Medical Students. MedEdPortal, December 14, 2018.

The specific case of talking about the police and protests

These links vary in length, although most are short and include easily digestible graphics. They provide information and potential talking points about protest/riot, police brutality, “defunding” the police (what that actually means), and a tiny introduction to prison abolition. Many of these movements around policing and prisons have been going on for a long time - there are plenty of longer resources, books, etc. if you become interested in knowing more. There are also potential ACTIONS embedded in a number of these.

Trevor Noah: George Floyd and the Dominos of Racial Injustice

John Oliver: Police

#DefundPolice Toolkit from Interrupting Criminalization: some explanations, graphics, and actions.

Becoming an Anti-Racist

The six Rs : A brief framework for becoming an antiracist.

Anti-Racist packet, compiled by Jasmine Mitchell : This has many resources, and I refer you to it rather than re-creating exactly what she has pulled together so nicely. See here for lists of books and other media, for short and well-explained sections on police, talking to family, etc. Also lots of great tips here for protesting. My further references that follow are any additional that I think are useful.

Anti-Racism Resources is another document with lists of recommended books and media

Educate Yourself

See above lists for recommended books and other media. For those in Emergency Medicine, please join us for our reading group in August to discuss How to be an Anti-Racist. We encourage other departments to start these up as well!

Give Away Your $$$

Local RI options: Compiled by RI Monthly

Bail Funds: listed by location (including RI)

The Anti-Racist Packet linked above has pages of further recommended donations, from small funds aimed at specific goals to large national organizations. She also has some tips about choosing where to donate (and where not to donate too).

Support Black-owned businesses: for example, here is the listing of of Black-owned restaurants in RI

As long as you’re planning to read some of the recommended books, do please purchase from independent bookstores instead of Amazon. Here are some (non-local) Black-owned bookstores that take online orders, and here’s a longer list (though I do not know if all take online orders)

Have the conversation you are dreading

Note that, again, the packets referenced at the top have recommendations and further links on these topics. To give you a few additional links that I referenced in the talk or otherwise like:

I would highly recommend looking through the content The Conscious Kid has available if you are interested in this topic.

There are childrens book recommendations on the Anti-Racism Resources page. I have personally enjoyed recommendations I’ve found from @girlsreadtheworld, @helpingkidsrise, @booksfordiversity, @jonesingforgoodbooks.

Useful debate pointers for tough conversations:

Be Active

See above resources about police and prisons for action recommendations. Also see the Anti-Racist Packet for many avenues for political action. 

105 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice - despite the title, many items on this list are not just for White people.

What About In Medicine?

Be an Interrupter - See above INTERRUPT tool for addressing bias.

@ogorchukwuu on racial gaslighting. She also has many great posts about racial trauma.

Be a Fixer (or fixer assistant)

We get so used to seeing the same problems over and over again, we barely see them any more. If you think there’s an issue in our medical practice, bring it up, see if anyone else is working on it, get it fixed. 

For example, the Brown medical students have created a list of demands related to anti-racism, diversity and equity, all of which are action-able.

To think big about your department, I find this grid of your departmental culture very handy:

Be a Learner

Include in your education information about racism (and anti-racism) in medicine. This is a huge topic, even beyond the vast body of literature about health disparities. Just a few starting points:

@beetsbybroke with some basic history

For a great summary of the (mis)use of race as a biological factor in medicine, please see this report from the recently formed Institute for Healing and Justice in Medicine: Towards the Abolition of Biological Race in Medicine: Transforming Clinical Education, Research and Practice

Or if you prefer videos, a Ted talk by Dorothy Roberts, The Problem with Race-Based Medicine

Join Us

Please continue to join us for further sessions. We will be running sessions periodically on anti-racist topics for the Eternal Summer of Anti-Racism. These are open to anyone - feel free to share across departments, with trainees, etc. In the fall, the department of emergency medicine will launch DARE, Discussing Anti-Racism and Equity, for all EM providers.

If you would like to be more involved in the planning of our projects, please contact us:

Hannah Barber Doucet, MD  

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow

Taneisha Wilson, MD

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and EM Director of Diversity Initiatives